Diablo 3 barbarian earthquake build
Diablo 3 barbarian earthquake build

diablo 3 barbarian earthquake build

This lets Area Damage do as much work for you as possible. You want to lump enemies into big piles before you try to kill them. This is the central loop of Leapquake gameplay.Īll variants of Leapquake thrive on density, so you will always be searching for big, open maps filled with mobs that pack tightly together and give decent progression. Leap- Leap - Leap- Threatening Shout - Slam So, an average rotation of skills looks like: These add to your damage and help generate extra Fury.

diablo 3 barbarian earthquake build

In addition, Leapquake builds also make use of the Blade of the Tribes 2H Mighty Weapon, which makes Threatening Shout and War Cry cause an Earthquake and Avalanche. So after leaping 3 times, you then attack with Seismic Slam: Rumble, which dumps all your Fury, and resets the cooldown of Leap. The MOTE set also reduces the cooldown of Leap when you spend Fury with an attack. So, you Leap on your enemies repeatedly, building up your Fury, and damaging the enemies with the quakes. And the Earthen Might passive skill generates Fury for each Earthquake or Avalanche. The Lut Socks boots let you Leap 3 times in quick succession before the cooldown is activated. The MOTE set makes the the Leap skill cause an Earthquake when you land. But, for those who are true newcomers, here’s how it generally works: Many of you have probably played some variant of Leapquake before, as it is one of the most popular Barbarian builds around. I’ll be discussing both of these variants in this guide. Spinquake is harder to gear and to play than Leapquake, but is probably slightly more powerful at the time of this writing (4/25/23). TS then generates the majority of your EQs via its interaction with Blade of the Tribes.

diablo 3 barbarian earthquake build

The second track is “Spinquake”, which generates EQs by running MOTE alongside the Crimson set, and Zodiac ring, while using WW: Dust Devils to move around and proc Zodiac to reset the cooldown of Threatening Shout. The first is the classic “Leapquake” style of build, that generates EQs mainly by using Leap, combined with Lut Socks, which lets you Leap 3x in a row. In the present day, there are two main “tracks” for Earthquake builds. Hi, everybody, and welcome to the MOTE6 Earthquake guide!įor those of you who hate to read and just want the quick version of what gear and skills to equip for the simplest, most straightforward Earthquake build, here you go.

Diablo 3 barbarian earthquake build